#13 - Cosmic Habit Force

by Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich"

Cosmic Habit Force (CHF) is the 13th Success Principle presented by Napoleon Hill.

A more modern term for CHF is the Law of Attraction. Hear what Napoleon Hill has to say on this subject in his teaching video.

Cosmic HabitForce Index

Video of Napoleon Hill’s Lesson on Cosmic HabitForce

What is Cosmic HabitForce?

Hypnotic Rhythm

How Cosmic HabitForce Operates

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Video - Cosmic HabitForce

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What is Cosmic HabitForce?

Cosmic Habit Force is the means by which you and every other person can put into operation the irresistible power by which your aims and purposes are attained almost automatically by the action of your habits.

Cosmic Habit Force is the law that gives definiteness of action to everything that moves throughout the universe. It keeps the stars and planets in their custom places and fixes the life patterns of every living thing from the smallest insect to the largest animal.

Cosmic Habit Force binds everything lower on the intelligence scale than man by instinct. Only man may use this law to establish his habit patterns and determine his own goals and desires throughout life. This privilege is the only thing that man has complete power of control and direction.

Cosmic Habit Force works both positive and negative potential application.

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Hypnotic Rhythm

Negative application is called hypnotic rhythm and is invoked by our neglect to fix our thoughts on the things that we want. If we do not focus on what we want, the negative hypnotic feature and attracts to us its physical counterpart (undesirable events). It is essential to keep your mind on what you want.

Cosmic HabitForce is the watchdog that examines your every thought and forces upon you either the penalties or rewards.

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How Cosmic HabitForce Operates

1. CHF fixes the habits of electrons and protons of matter, so that their relationship and chemical behavior always follows the same pattern. Everything in the universe comes under the influence of Cosmic Habit Force. Everything moves and exists by a pattern which is immutable and enduring except man who can break the habits established by Cosmic Habit Force and setup habits of his own choice.

2. CHF fixes the pattern of every form of vegetation causing it to produce after its own pattern. A grain of wheat always reproduces a grain of wheat. 1 atom of hydrogen and 2 atoms of oxygen always produce water, never any else. This is because the pattern of their chemical reaction has been fixed by CHF.

3. When the human man is focused on a definite major purpose, the law CHF goes into action immediately and attracts to that individual the physical equivalent of that purpose. However hypnotic rhythm will work if one dwells on negative things (i.e. poverty, ill-health, failure, etc.) or has not definite purpose. In this case HR will attract undesirable things to that person.

4. CHF expresses itself through the emotion of sex, the means by which every living thing perpetuates its species.

5. Those who enjoy success are said to be "on the beam", which means they have developed a success consciousness and CHF has brought them their desired success. You know you are on the beam when you say "I know what I want and I have the faith I will get it". You are not on the beam when you have no definite purpose and are drifting aimless through life.

6. CHF is the power that makes your fixation (whatever you dwell upon) permanent. Take possession of your own mind and direct towards the attainment of your major purpose. If you do so, in a short time you’ll find yourself on the beam and headed directly to everything you desire.

7. Your mental attitude is something you control. You must use self-discipline until you create a though pattern that keeps your mind positive at all times. Your mental attitude acts like a magnet to attract what you dwell upon, so keep your mind positive.

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17 Success Principles
Training Series

by Napoleon Hill

#1 - Definiteness of Purpose
#2 - Mastermind Principle
#3 - Going the Extra Mile
#4 - Applied Faith
#5 - A Pleasing Personality
#6 - Self-Discipline
#7 - Positive Mental Attitude
#8 - Enthusiasm
#9 - Personal Initiative
#10 - Overcoming Adversity
#11 - Creative Vision
#12 - Accurate Thinking
#13 - Cosmic Habit Force
#14 - Controlled Attention
#15 - Teamwork
#16 - Sound Health
#17 - Budgeting Time and Money

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